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31 July – 2 August 2025 Rochester, New York



All venues are handicapped accessible.


Dogs/animals other than guide and service dogs are not permitted. 


Please walk, don’t ride your bike in any pedestrian area. 


Individuals 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or an adult 16 years or older. Parents, guardians, or adults must accompany minors at all times. 


Puerto Rican Festival is held in downtown Rochester, NY. The Festival does not operate parking, but there are many surface lots and parking garages conveniently located near the festival venue. Fees vary.  

Important! Please read the signs before you park to be sure that parking is allowed. Many lots are private for their patrons only, and cars will be towed. The Festival cannot take any responsibility for people who park illegally.

East End Garage, 475 Main St. East, Rochester, NY. Special event parking rates apply. $7 pay upon entry to the garage Saturdays & Sundays. Weekdays, $7 pay upon entry starting at 3 p.m. (585) 275-4524 parking@rochester.edu. Use Scio St. entrance.

Midtown Garage Entrances are located on South Clinton Ave, Court St, and East Broad St. Event parking rate $7. Operated by Buckingham Properties. (585) 295-9500

City of Rochester On-Street Metered Parking – Parking meters are in service from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays. Free after 6 p.m. and on weekends.


Dogs/animals other than guide and service dogs are not permitted. 

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